Most people think about putting money into their own account. However, the government also allows eligible people to contribute to their spouse’s account.
This is particularly useful for couples where one spouse is a low-income earner, has reduced hours or is taking some time out of the workforce. It is designed to ensure their balance continues to grow over time.
In addition to helping boost your spouse’s account balance, you may also be eligible for a tax offset of up to $540.
There are two types of contributions you can potentially make to your spouse’s super – either a post-tax contribution – often referred to as a ‘spouse contribution’, or taking some of your super and transferring it to your spouse – known as ‘contribution splitting’.
Both of these contribution types have an eligibility criteria and rules surrounding them, so it’s important to understand how they work before deciding which type of contribution to make.
In this article we explore:
Spouse contribution
A spouse contribution is made with your already-taxed money and when contributed will count towards your spouse’s non-concessional contribution cap.
Tax offset eligibility
If you make a contribution to your spouse’s super you may be able to claim a tax offset of up to $540 on up to $3000 of contributions as part of your tax return. To be eligible for this tax offset you must meet all of the following criteria:
- The contribution made to your spouse’s super must be a non-concessional contribution.
- Both of you must be Australian residents.
- You must be married to, or in a de facto relationship with the account holder who receives the contribution.
- Your spouse must be under age 75.
- Your spouse’s income must be $37,000 or less for the financial year you intend to claim the tax deduction (if your spouse’s income is between $37,001 and $39,999 you may be eligible for a partial tax offset).
If your spouse’s income is too high for you to receive a tax offset, you will still be able to make non-concessional contributions to their account.
Contribution splitting
Depending on your circumstances, you may want to give your spouse some of your own super – this is known as contribution splitting.
This allows you to split up to 85% of your concessional contributions for the previous financial year, such as super contributions from your employer, salary sacrifice payments and voluntary contributions you’ve claimed a tax deduction on, with your spouse.
This is unique because you’re making a concessional contribution from your account to your spouse’s and the amount transferred doesn’t count towards their concessional contribution cap. Please note the transferring of funds from your account does not reduce the amount of your concessional contribution cap used.
Eligibility criteria
For your spouse to be eligible, they need to be under their preservation age, or between their preservation age (currently 60 years of age) and 65, and not retired.
If your spouse does not meet the above criteria they will not be eligible to receive your split contributions.
Making the contribution
If your spouse is a member of the Mercer Super Trust, and you’d like to make a spouse contribution on their behalf, please download and complete the Your spouse’s contributions to the Mercer Super Trust form. If your spouse has a super account with another fund we recommend checking with the other fund how you should make the contribution.
For contribution splitting please download and complete the Splitting super contributions in the Mercer Super Trust form.
Need guidance on spouse contributions?
If you're unsure if contributing to your spouse’s super is right for you or if you have questions, financial advice may help with the decision.
As part of your membership, our Helpline Advice team can provide financial advice about your super fund at no additional cost.
You can make an appointment with this team by calling our Helpline on 1800 682 525 between 8am-7pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday-Friday.
Read next:

Understanding superannuation contributions and taxes
By adding a little bit extra to your super, you could enjoy more retirement savings and several tax benefits.

Unpacking super contribution caps
Although we recommend adding extra money to your super, there are rules around how much you can add, these are known as ‘contribution caps’.

The ins and outs of additional personal super contributions
Your super is a long-term investment – additional contributions you make today can have a significant impact on your balance and retirement outcomes.
Disclaimer: Issued by Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited ABN 79 004 717 533, Australian Financial Services Licence # 235906, the trustee of the Mercer Super Trust ABN 19 905 422 981 ('Mercer Super'). Any advice provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice, please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available at The product Target Market Determination can be found at
The material contained in this document is based on information received in good faith from sources within the market and on our understanding of legislation which we believe to be accurate. Neither Mercer nor any of its related parties accepts any responsibility for any inaccuracy.
This information is based on the interpretation of current tax laws which may change. You should obtain your own tax advice.
Mercer financial advisers are authorised representatives of Mercer Financial Advice (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 76 153 168 293, Australian Financial Services Licence #411766. The value of an investment in the Mercer Super Trust may rise and fall from time to time.
The investment performance, earnings or return of capital invested are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 'MERCER’ is an Australian registered trademark of Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 32 005 315 917.