Your super or allocated pension account will be invested in one or more Mercer Super investment options.
Mercer Super investment options will vary in the level of risk they take to achieve their stated investment objective. Depending on the Mercer Super investment options you are invested in, you will be invested in a range of asset classes such as Shares, Property, Fixed Interest and Cash.
For every asset class, you can break this further down into underlying assets to see exactly what your super or allocated pension is invested in.
Portfolio Holdings Disclosure does not require trustees to disclose underlying holdings in investments operated by non-associated entities. For transparency, where access to the underlying holdings of non-associated investment managers is available, this information will be disclosed. However, it will not be available for all Mercer Super Trust investment options.
What Mercer Super account do I have?
Mercer Super is divided into three divisions, Corporate Super Division, Allocated Pension Division and Retail Division.
Corporate Super Division (CSD)
You will be invested in the Corporate Super Division if you have joined Mercer Super through your employer’s default superannuation account or if you joined Mercer SmartSuper directly with us.
Allocated Pension Division (APD)
If you have a Mercer SmartRetirement Income allocated pension or Transition to Retirement (TTR) account, you will be invested in the Allocated Pension Division.
Retail Division
You will be invested in the Retail Division if you have an account in one of the following products: Virgin Money Super, Kogan, Mercer Easy or Mercer MyChoice.
What is my super or allocated pension invested in?
If you’re interested in understanding what your super or allocated pension is invested in, you can follow these steps.
- Select the Mercer Super division you are invested in from the choices below.
- On the next page, select the Mercer Super investment option you’re invested in from the dropdown list.
- You will then be able to download a file which lists the underlying assets that make up your super or allocated pension investment option as well as view a summary of this information in a table. If you are invested in more than one investment option and want to see the underlying assets, you’ll need to complete Steps 2 and 3 for each investment option you are invested in.
Step 1: Select the Mercer Super division you are invested in
Corporate Super Division
Select this option if you have a super account with Mercer Super in the Corporate Super Division.
Allocated Pension Division
Select this option if you have an allocated pension or TTR account with Mercer SmartRetirement Income.
Retail Division
Select this option if you have a super or pension account with: Virgin Money Super, Kogan, Mercer Easy or Mercer MyChoice.
Frequently asked questions
How do I know which account I have?
Most Mercer Super members will have a Mercer Super account within the Corporate Super Division. If you are invested in the Allocated Pension Division, you will have a Mercer SmartRetirement Income account which could either be a Transition to Retirement (TTR) or allocated pension account. And members who have a Virgin Money Super, Kogan, Mercer Easy or Mercer MyChoice account will be invested in the Retail Division. However, if you’re unsure please contact us.
What Mercer Super Investment option am I invested in?
You can find out which investment option(s) you’re invested in on the Investment page on Member Online. Please note, if you click this link, you will be asked to log in to your account first for security purposes.
Your investment option(s) are also listed on your annual statement as at 30 June of the year of the statement.
After selecting the relevant Mercer Super division, I can see a list of investment options. Am I able to invest in all the investment options in this list?
Depending on the type of product you have, you may not be able to invest in all the investment options shown in the list after selecting the relevant Mercer Super Division.
For a list of investment options available to you, you should refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available here, the Investments page on Member Online or by contacting us.
The PDS contains important information about the benefits, risks, fees, and costs of investing in our fund. It’s important you read and consider the relevant PDS for your Plan, before making any decision about your super or allocated pension.
Why does Mercer Super disclose its holdings?
The law requires superannuation trustees to disclose information about the investment holdings that make up its portfolio as at 30 June and 31 December each year. We also value the trust, you, our members place in us to invest your super savings, so we believe it’s important to be transparent and make it easy for you to see what you’re invested in.
How often is this information updated?
The holdings information will be updated twice a year, as at 30 June and 31 December. We aim to provide the updates within 90 days of those dates.
Disclaimer: The material contained in this website is based on information received in good faith from sources within the market and on our understanding of legislation which we believe to be accurate. Neither Mercer nor any of its related parties accepts any responsibility for any inaccuracy. Any advice provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice, please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available at The product Target Market Determination can be found at Issued by Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited ABN 79 004 717 533, Australian Financial Services Licence #235906, the trustee of the Mercer Super Trust ABN 19 905 422 981 (‘Mercer Super’). 'MERCER’ is an Australian registered trademark of Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 32 005 315 917.