Unpacking your annual Mercer Super statement

To ensure you get the most out of your statement, we’ve unpacked some key sections below, explaining them in simple terms. 

Inside your annual statement

Your annual Mercer Super statement shows you how your super performed over the past financial year, but it’s more than that. Your statement is a great source of valuable information to help you understand how you’re tracking and how to reach your long-term financial goals.

Get the most out of your annual statement

To help secure your financial future, you can do a few simple things after receiving your annual statement.

Depending on your account type or when you joined Mercer Super, some of the example images shown below may not match your statement. However, you will still receive the same information.

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  • Review your account summary - super members


    The first section of your statement provides a summary of the money coming in and going out of your account for the statement period, as well as a closing balance for the period.

    If your account with Mercer Super was opened partway through the statement period, this summary will only show information from the date you joined.

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    While it’s always good to see your account balance increase year on year, it’s important to remember super is a long-term investment – often benefiting from a mixture of contributions and investment returns which are compounded over several decades. Returns can and will fluctuate from year to year.

  • Check how much you’ve paid in fees

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    All super funds charge a range of fees and costs for managing the fund and its investments. Your Mercer Super member statement outlines the fees and costs that have been charged to your account, with notes explaining what they pay for.

    Low fees, combined with strong long-term investment returns,1 means more value for you, more confidence about your financial future and potentially more savings to rely on when you stop working.

    On 1 April 2023, we reduced our fees to some of the lowest in the Australian superannuation market.2

  • Review your investment performance

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    How a super fund performs over the long-term can make a significant difference to your final balance, especially when combined with low fees.

    If you’d like to learn more about Mercer Super’s strong past performance, you can visit our performance page.

    When it comes to investment options, one size doesn’t fit all – which is why we offer a broad range of options, each with varying levels of risk and potential for returns.

    If you’re unsure whether your current investment option(s) is right for you, try using the self-service e-Advice tool by logging into your account and heading to ‘Advice Tools’.

    This tool, which is available to most Mercer Super members can provide you with personal advice to help you determine which of our many investment options best align with your specific risk profile – ensuring you have peace of mind as you plan your retirement.

  • Check your insurance cover meets your needs (super only)

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    Insurance cover with your Mercer Super account is an easy and tax-effective way of helping ensure there is some financial support for you or your loved ones if something happens to you.

    You should ensure that your level of coverage is appropriate for your personal circumstances. Having too little could leave you or your loved ones struggling to make ends meet, whereas having too much could mean higher premiums needlessly drain your super balance.

    For further information on insurance, the types of cover we offer, access to a calculator that will help you determine the appropriate level of cover for your personal circumstances, as well as how to apply for cover, please visit our insurance webpage.

  • Make sure your beneficiaries are up to date

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    As your super cannot typically be included in your will, by nominating a beneficiary, you can tell us who should get your super if you pass away. There are various types of beneficiaries, each with their own rules and processes.

    You should review your beneficiaries and, if required, add or update your nominations to ensure the right people are nominated.

    You can find more info on beneficiaries, including how to update your nomination on our dedicated beneficiary webpage.

  • Investigate your projected retirement balance

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    Look ahead at your projected balance of what your retirement savings could look like by the time you turn 67. 

    Find out how much income you're on track to receive when you retire, and estimate how long your super may last by using the Retirement Income Simulator tool at mercersuper.com.au/retire.

    If you think the estimated balance won’t be enough to maintain your desired lifestyle in retirement, you may consider making additional contributions to your super or reviewing your investment strategy.

  • Check your personal details are correct

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    Checking your contact details are correct helps make sure you remain up to date with important information about your account and ensures none of your valuable super becomes lost.

    Depending on your account type, your personal details may appear on the front page of your statement or near the end.

    You can update your personal details by logging in to your online account and heading to the personal details section.

  • Review your transactions

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    Your transaction history details all the money that has been deducted from your account (such as fees, taxes and insurance premiums) as well as any rebates and contributions. This includes the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) payments made by your employer.

    The minimum SG amount for the 2022/23 financial year was 10.5% of your gross income, and rose to 11% on 1 July 2023.3 Employers were required to make these contributions on at least a quarterly basis. 

    Check your transactions to be sure your employer has been making these contributions in full. 

    For further information on SG contributions, including what to do if you think your employer has made a mistake, visit our dedicated SG webpage.

  • See what your account is worth

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    This section provides a comparison of your balance for the statement period (this period will be less if your account was partway through the period).

    Most super members have all their funds ‘preserved’, meaning they cannot be withdrawn until they meet a condition of release.

    Once a member has retired or met another condition of release, some or all of the funds will become ‘unrestricted non-preserved’ and can be withdrawn. To learn more about conditions of release, see our factsheet.

    There is also a table showing your opening balance from the beginning of the statement period, a detailed list of contributions, earnings and fee types that caused your balance to go up or down, along with the corresponding amounts, and a final closing balance for the statement period.

Frequently asked Questions


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  • Why aren't my tax deductions I've claimed appearing?

    If you have previously made after-tax contributions and claimed them as a tax deduction (converting them to a concessional contribution) they may not appear on your statement as a concessional contribution.

    This is due to us still needing to report how the contribution was received. When we originally processed your notice of intent to claim a tax deduction we would have issued you a confirmation letter. If required as part of your tax return, you can provide this letter to either the ATO or your accountant.

  • Why aren't all my contributions showing?

    The contribution amounts shown on your Mercer Super annual statement are specific to your Mercer Super account. 

    If you held another super account throughout the statement period financial year any contributions made to that account will not appear in your Mercer Super statement.

    To determine how much you contributed across all your accounts, you should review any relevant documentation relating to your other super account(s), in conjunction with your Mercer Super statement.

    If you only held the one account throughout the financial year and you believe the contribution amounts listed on your statement are incorrect. Please contact our Helpline on 1800 682 525.

Pension payments

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Financial advice

  • Can I get financial advice?

    As a Mercer Super member, you have access to a range of financial advice services, including self-service tools and limited financial advice about your super, all at no additional cost.

    You can also access comprehensive tailored advice at additional cost.

    You can learn more about available financial advice services on our dedicated webpage.



Need more help? We’ve got you covered.

Have questions about Mercer Super or need more information about becoming a member? We’d love to hear from you.

Member Online Support

Member Online support

Log in to your account for more information or to submit an online enquiry.

Contact Our Helpline

Contact our Helpline

Speak with one of our consultants on 1800 682 525, Monday to Friday 8am-7pm (AEST/ AEDT).


1 Mercer Super's default investment option, Mercer SmartPath® has delivered 8.1% p.a. over 10 years for one of our largest groups of members, outperforming the comparative industry median of 7.4% p.a. Mercer Super Trust’s analysis of the Mercer SmartPath investment performance (after investment fees and taxes) for the March 2024 quarter. Based on Mercer SmartPath membership data as at 31 March 2024 and for members invested for the full period. Mercer Super Trust’s analysis of Mercer SmartPath (born 1974-1978), one of the largest cohorts, after investment fees and tax, compared to the median of all default funds reported in SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Default Options as at 31 March 2024. Past performance should not be relied upon as an indicator of future performance.

2 Chant West MySuper Default Fee Tables June 2023 – for $50,000 account balance. Fees are for Mercer SmartSuper – SmartPath® (our MySuper product) at 1 April 2023 and the total includes administration, investment and transaction fees. Chant West uses our 1964-1968 investment option for purposes of comparison with other MySuper funds – as this is the highest annual fee for our SmartPath options. You may pay less than this if you are in another SmartPath option or in an employer plan. For details on fees for each of our SmartPath options, or if you’ve chosen your own investment option/s, go to the ‘How Your Super Works’ Guide online. Fees and costs can vary from year to year. Past fees and costs are not a reliable indicator of future fees and costs. Fees and comparisons may differ for other investment options and account balances.

3 Some employers may pay more than the minimum 11% SG rate as part of an industry award or employment contract. Depending on your situation, you can check the relevant award or contract to ensure your employer is contributing the correct amount on your behalf.

The 11% of your gross income is based on your ordinary hours of work, including any shift loadings and allowances, but does not include overtime payments. Bonuses may be included, depending on your employment arrangements. We recommend confirming your specific circumstances with your HR department.

Disclaimer: Issued by Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited ABN 79 004 717 533, Australian Financial Services Licence 235906, the trustee of the Mercer Super Trust ABN 19 905 422 981 ('Mercer Super'). Any advice provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice, please consider the Product Disclosure Statement available at mercersuper.com.au. The product Target Market Determination can be found at mercersuper.com.au/tmd.

The value of an investment in the Mercer Super Trust may rise and fall from time to time. The investment performance, earnings or return of capital invested are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The material contained in this document is based on information received in good faith from sources within the market and on our understanding of legislation which we believe to be accurate. This information is based on the interpretation of current tax laws which may change. You should obtain your own tax advice.

'MERCER’ is an Australian registered trademark of Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 32 005 315 917.